Iain C. Plews

Senior Consultant Geologist

B.Sc. Honors Geology (1976), Aberdeen University, Scotland

Employment History:

1977-1985: Anglo American Corp (Diamond Division) – Geologist to Senior Regional Geologist

1985-1987: Anglo American Corp (Gold Division) – Senior to Sectional Geologist

1987-1988: Takoradi Gold N. L. (Ghana) – Project Exploration Manager

1989-1990: IPA UK – Independent Consultant

1991-1993: ITM Corporation – Exploration Consultant / Manager (West & East Africa)

1993-1995: Reunion Mining – Senior Exploration Geologist

1995-2000: Ashanti Goldfields, Ltd – Regional Exploration Manager, Southern Africa

2001-2005: Jabot Investments (Pvt.), Ltd – Managing Director

2005: Independent Consulting Geologist

2006: Joined Gondwana, Lda. as Senior Consulting Geologist – Seconded to Baobab Resources Pvt, Ltd since 2010