Reinaldo Gonçalves Júnior

Senior Consultant

M. Sc. Mineral Economics (1995), Michigan Technological University, USA

B.Sc. (Hons) Mining Engineer (1995), Michigan Technological University, USA

B.Sc. Geology (Hons) (1999), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique

Employment History:

1990-1991: Minas Auríferas da Manica, Lda (Lonrho Group) –Junior Geologist

1991-1992: Aluviões de Manica, Lda (Lonrho Group) – Exploration & Production Geologist

1992-1993: Benicon Mining – Production Geologis & Assistant Mining Manager

1995-1996: Self employed as free lance mining consultant

1996-2000: Ashanti Goldfields Company, limited – Country Exploration Manager

2000-2002: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane – Part time University Lecturer

2000-2005: Gondwana Empeendimentos e Consultorias, Lda – Co-funder and establishing the company, consultant

2006-2007: Rio Doce Moçambique, Lda – Senior Mining Engineer

2007-2011: Vale Moçambique, Lda – Mine Implementation Coordinator

2012: Re-joined Gondwana, Lda. as Senior Coal Consultant